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To report a late arrival or student absence, please contact Elena Lizcano.



  • Attendance is taken daily at 9:35 a.m.
  • If your child is not at school when the attendance bell rings, they are considered absent.
  • If your child is off campus during attendance time (part of day or whole day) for sickness or have a doctor’s appointment, please send a parent or doctor’s note within 5 days of the absence.
  • Please provide written documentation for early dismissal. Checking a student out before 3:15pm counts as “early dismissal” and is considered unexcused, unless we have documentation of an appropriate “leave early” reason.  Possible excused reasons for early dismissal include dental or medical appointments, funerals, and personal illness determined by the school nurse. 



  • School begins at 7:55 a.m.
  • If your child is not in their classroom at 7:55 a.m. when the bell rings, they are considered TARDY for the day.
  • If your child has a dental or doctor appointment in the day and they will be arriving late to school, make sure you bring a note from the dentist or the doctor.


  • If your child has an appointment, but is present at 9:35am, they will get credit for the day with a medical note. Think about this when making appointments.
  • Try to schedule appointments during classes that your child doesn’t need to get credit for in order to go on to the next grade – like PE, co-curr, lunch or recess. 
  • Switch between morning and afternoon appointments so your child doesn’t miss the same subject all the time.  
  • At all costs, prevent being absent from reading and math class.  Communicate with teachers to see when students will miss the least amount of instruction when scheduling appointments.


On early release days, attendance is taken at 8:55 am.

Questions about attendance? Please contact Elena Lizcano at (817) 744-6100 or

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