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Theatre Performance Troupe


Theatre Performance Troupe:

The IES Theatre Performance Troupe (TPT) is a club focused on performance training in acting, singing, and dancing. In this troupe, we will be preparing for our annual 4th Grade spring musical, as well as the Falcon Feeder Pattern Theatre Showcase performance. Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school from 3:25-4:30 PM in the Theatre Room. Please visit Mr. Weaver's website for more information or contact Mr. Weaver at

Theatre Technical Troupe:

The IES Technical Theatre Troupe (TTT) is a club focused on reaching out to students who have an interest in the technical side of theatre. In this club students will learn about how to operate lighting and sound systems, they will practice the application of stage makeup, and learn about the art of backstage mechanics. Special events for this group include Tech Olympics and the 4th Grade spring musical. The TTT is limited to 12 students in 4th Grade.